Here you can find various questions frequently asked by prospective and current students at Osaka University.
If you have any questions that weren't answered on this page, please don't hesitate to
"study@ml.office.osaka-u.ac.jp" contact us directly.

Admission and Education


How do I obtain the Application Guideline or forms for the entrance exam of Osaka University?


Please contact the appropriate office to request application forms and brochures.


What should I do in order to enroll in graduate school?


You need to find a supervisor who will accept you. Unfortunately, we are unable to recommend a specific field or suitable supervisor for each student. Osaka University provides a "Researcher Directory" on our website. Please visit the Researcher Directory webpage.


Can you give me detailed information about a major in ... at the School/Graduate School/Faculty of...?


For detailed information concerning majors, please contact the appropriate undergraduate or graduate school. Click here to pursue this topic.


What classes are offered at Osaka University?


You can check the availability of classes by going here.


How long are classes, how often do they meet, and how many credits do you receive (per semester)?


Classes are 90-minutes and meet 15 times each semester. 2 credits are awarded per semester.


Are there classes conducted in English outside of exchange programs?


There are classes in English that exchange program students can take. Click here to learn more.


During what period are classes held?

  • 1st Semester (spring): the beginning of April ~ mid-August (this includes makeup classes, if any, and a test period)
  • 2nd Semester (autumn): the beginning of October ~ mid-February (this includes makeup classes, if any, and a test period)

When are explanatory sessions for freshmen held?

  • Spring admissions: early April
  • Autumn admissions: late September

What is Osaka University's grading system?


100 is perfect on a scale of 1 to 100.

  • S: 90 ~ 100
  • A: 80 ~ 89
  • B: 70 ~ 79
  • C: 60 ~ 69
  • F (Fail): 0 ~ 59

I want to inform my home university of my academic performance. When will grades be available?

  • Grades for the 1st Semester are available in September.
  • Grades for the 2nd Semester are available in March.

Can I have a copy of my transcript sent to my home university?


Yes. Osaka University will send a copy of your transcript to the exchange student program division of your university.

  • Academic performance for the 1st Semester (spring) will be sent in mid-September.
  • Academic performance for the 2nd semester (autumn) will be sent in mid-March.

How does one get a copy of their graduation certificate?


If you need a copy of a certificate such as a graduation certificate, please contact the Educational Affairs Division of the school you were enrolled in. For more information, click here.



How can I find out the name of a researcher/professor, or of someone who is researching a particular topic?


Please make use of the Researcher Directory for finding answers to the above questions. If you can't find what you're looking for in the Researcher Directory, please visit the website of the undergraduate or graduate school you are interested in. Click here for further information. To see articles about research conducted at OU, please visit ResOU.

Application for Exchange Programs


What are Student Exchange Programs?


University-to-university agreements allow regular students belonging to a university with such an agreement to take classes in any of Osaka University's schools, graduate schools, or research institutions. Likewise, school-to-school agreements allow regular students belonging to a school or graduate school with an agreement with its counterpart at Osaka University to take classes in the school or graduate school having the agreement. For more information, go here.


What kinds of programs are offered?


There are four programs: iExPO, OUSSEP, Frontierlab@OsakaU, and Maple. For more information, go here.


How can I make an application?


First, obtain support from your university or institute to become one of their exchange students by contacting the exchange program staff at your university.


How can I get a password for online application?


Contact the exchange program staff at your university.


When are the application deadlines?


It's quite likely that your university has an earlier deadline. Be sure to check with the exchange program staff at your university.


I have received approval for participating in an exchange program from a faculty member at Osaka University. How do I make an application?


Check with the exchange program staff at your university and obtain support from your university to be an exchange student. You can then make an application.


My language ability is not sufficient for a program. Can I still apply for the program?


No, you can't. You must have at least the minimum language requirement. Osaka University does offer an intensive Japanese language course for international students. For more information, please click here.


I have not taken JLPT (or TOEFL or IELTS or TOEIC). Can I still apply for the program?


It's possible to apply if the faculty member in charge of language study at your university certifies that you have language proficiency equivalent to the minimum language requirement for the program of your choice.


I've completed JLPT, TOEFL, IELTS, or TOEIC, but have not received my score yet. What should I do?


If you can view your score on the appropriate web page, print a copy of that page and submit it. If this is not possible, submit the score as soon as you received it.


My language ability is better than the minimum requirement. I'd like to take intensive training before the exchange program starts. Are there such programs at Osaka University?


Unfortunately, Osaka University does not offer such programs.


In what language should I write the application form?


Application forms are available in English and Japanese. Either will be acceptable. Required essay and learning plan vary by school and program. For specifics, confirm the required language ability by perusing the application materials for the program you wish to enter and write your essay and learning plan in the required language.


How do I send application forms?


Please make an online application for the exchange program of your choice. You will be informed of the URL for the online application through the exchange program division of your university. For more information, go here.


Are there any necessary documents other than the application form?


Required documents vary between programs. Please confirm what documents are required on each program web page. Documents written in a language other than English or Japanese must be submitted with a Japanese or English translation.


Do I have to select the subjects that I want to take at Osaka University before arriving in Japan?


No, you don't have to. You are required to make a solid plan for what you want to study at Osaka University; specific classes can be selected after you arrive.


The balance of my bank account is low. Do I have to submit a deposit balance statement from my bank?


The bank account does not need to be one in your name. The deposit balance statement must be that of a person who will economically support you while you are studying at Osaka University and must contain the required amount. If the combined amount of money deposited in a couple of bank accounts meets the required amount, submit the deposit balance statement for those bank accounts.


Can I apply for more than one program at a time?


No, you can't.


What is the difference between special auditors and special research students?


Special auditors can earn credits, but special research students cannot earn credits. For more information, go here.


How can I know whether my university has an agreement with Osaka University that will permit me to take classes without paying additional fees for an entrance exam, enrollment, or tuition?


Go here to find a list of the universities that have agreements with Osaka University. Agreements that allow students to take classes without paying additional fees for entrance exam, enrollment, or tuition are indicated by a red asterisk.


My graduation at my home university is scheduled for a date that comes before I finish my studies at Osaka University. What should I do?


You must be enrolled in your home university in order to participate in these exchange programs at Osaka University. Therefore, if you were to graduate from your home university during your studies here, you would have to leave the program here at that point (because graduation from your home university would terminate your enrollment there and, thereby, terminate your enrollment here). In other words, you cannot graduate from your home university before you finish here.


Can I participate in one of these exchange programs after I graduate from my home university?


No, you can't. Being a student at the university is a necessary condition for participation.


My nationality is Japanese and I am enrolled in a university with an exchange agreement with Osaka University. Is it possible for me to apply for one of the exchange programs?


Yes, you can participate in an exchange program if your application is approved. If so, you won't need to apply for a visa.


Can participants in exchange programs earn credits?


Yes and No. Special auditors can earn credits; however, special research students are not able to earn credits.


How many credits must a participant earn?


For all programs, participants can earn 14 credits or more per semester.


Can I transfer credits earned at Osaka University to my home university?


Whether you can or cannot transfer credits earned at Osaka University is a decision that your home university makes, not Osaka University.


I am an undergraduate student. Can I take graduate school classes?


No, unfortunately that's not possible.


I am a graduate student. Can I take classes at an undergraduate school?


Yes, you can.


I'll be studying at the School of Engineering. I'm interested in Japanese history. Can I take classes at the School of Letters?


If you obtain approval from the teacher of the class you'd like to take and complete specified steps at -for example, in your case- the School of Engineering, you may take the class.


I'm going to apply for the FrontierLab@OsakaU. Can I take classes in another program?


Yes, you can take other classes as long as the scope of such classes does not affect your research in FrontierLab@OsakaU. After being chosen to participate in an exchange program. For how to make application, please direct questions to the exchange program staff at your school.


The second semester starts from January at my university. Can I participate in an exchange program from that point?


Successful applicants can enroll only in April or September.


I'm going to apply for OUSSEP. I want to do independent study, but I have not determined the theme. What should I do?


If you want to apply for independent study, you need to decide upon a theme and make a specific plan for what you want to study. Complete the application form after you've done so.

Financial Aid


Can I obtain financial aid?


That depends. You're certainly welcome to apply; however, not all students obtain financial aid. Please apply for financial aid when making an application for one of the programs. The application process varies according to the program. For more information, click here.


I wasn't selected as one of the recipients for exchange program financial aid. Are there any other financial aid programs that I can apply for?


Financial aid for participants in school exchange programs are:

There are unfortunately no other financial aid programs that exchange program students can apply for, besides those listed above.



Will someone pick me up at the airport?


Unfortunately, Osaka University is unable to provide staff to meet students at the airport. For detailed directions about how to get to the campuses by public transportation, click here.


I'd like to use the shuttle service from Kansai International Airport, but I don't have anyone to share the cost with me. What do you suggest I do?


You have several options with public transportation from Kansai International Airport - train or airport limousine buses, for example. However, none of them will take you directly to an Osaka University campus. Thus, we'd suggest you seek assistance at the airport if necessary in finding the route and method which best suits you and your destination.



How does one get a student visa [for study in Japan]?

  1. Apply for a Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status. (Osaka University will inform incoming exchange program students of the necessary steps in making this application.)
  2. Osaka University will make an application to the Immigration Bureau for a Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status.
  3. The Immigration Bureau will issue a Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status. (This certificate will be sent to Osaka University.)
  4. Osaka University will send you the Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status.
  5. After receiving the certificate, you should apply for a student visa at the nearest Japanese Embassy or Consulate.

I don't have enough time to apply for a student visa right now. Can I enter Japan on a short-term visa and later switch to a student visa in Japan?


No, that's not possible. You must apply for and receive your student visa before entering Japan. The Support Office in the CIEE provides information on accommodations and helps international students to get their visa.



How much are living costs in Japan? What expenses are students responsible for?


Estimated expenses regarding daily necessities are about 100,000 yen per month. Students participating in exchange programs at Osaka University must pay the following:

Living expenses

Estimated expenses regarding daily necessities are about 100,000 yen per month. For estimated expenses for students participating in exchange programs at Osaka University, please take a look at the Tuition fees and financial aid page.

For more information about living in Japan, see Living Information.


Can I cook for myself in a university dorm?


Yes, you can. Some dorms have quasi-kitchens in rooms, while others have a shared kitchen(s).


I will use public transportation when campus shuttle buses are not running. Can I get a student discount on a bus pass?


No, unfortunately you can't. Exchange students are not able to apply for student discount bus passes.


What's the situation on internet access?


All facilities on campus have wireless LAN. For access off campus, you'll have to sign a contract with an ISP (internet service provider).


What procedures do I have to complete after arriving in Japan?


At your local city office, you must complete procedures for joining National Health Insurance for joining the National Pension Plan, as well as a form for being exempt from payment of its premiums. Participants in Regular Student Exchange Program, OUSSEP, and Frontierlab@OsakaU will receive necessary documents and maps when checking into their dormitories.

A residence card will be issued to all foreign nationals residing legally in Japan with mid- to long-term resident status. Those who have received a residence card at a port of entry are asked to visit the municipal office where they live with their residence card and notify their address within 14 days of finding a place to settle down. Residence cards are issued at 4 major airports in Japan (Narita, Haneda, Chubu, and Kansai). For this reason, you are encouraged to fly into one of these 4 airports when coming to Japan. If you arrive at any other airports, you must apply for a residence card at a later date. For more information about the residency management system, go to the Immigration Bureau of Japan website.


I'll be receiving remittances from my home country. Can I receive these at a bank?


Yes, you can; however, depending on the bank, it may take some time to open an account and/or to receive electronic remittances after opening the account.


The bank will supply you with the account application form. Do I have to participate in an insurance plan?


Participants in exchange programs must participate in three insurance plans: National Health Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research, and "Futai gakuso" Accident Insurance. The procedures for these must be done after you arrive in Japan.

Other than these insurance plans, it is recommended to participate in Overseas Traveler's Personal Accident Insurance starting the moment you leave your home country and ending upon your return.


I tried to sign up for National Health Insurance at City Hall. They told me I didn't have to because my stay was less than a year; however, Osaka University says I have to. What should I do?


If they told you that, then they were making a mistake (as sometimes happens). As long as one's status of residence is student, regardless of the length of stay, one needs to participate in National Health Insurance. So please complete the procedures at city hall.


At city hall they told me I didn't have to participate in the National Health Insurance because I was from a country with a social security agreement with Japan. Osaka University told me I had to join it. What do I do?


As in the previous question, if they told you that, they were mistaken. Social security agreements do not apply to exchange students. So you need to complete the procedures for the National Health Insurance at city hall.


National Health Insurance premiums have suddenly risen. What should I do?


Did you file an income statement for last year? Insurance premiums are calculated based on your previous year's income. You may have received or will receive a postcard from the city hall concerning your income for the previous year. If you receive such, please fill it out and return it.


I received a bill for National Pension Plan. Do I have to pay it?


If you complete procedures for exemption, you won't have to pay pension premiums. You need to complete procedures for exemption.


I feel sick. What should I do?


Please go to the Health Center on your campus.


If I go to a hospital or clinic, what should I take?


Be sure to take your National Health Insurance card with you. If you fail to take it, you will have to pay the full medical costs. They could be expensive. If you have your National Health Insurance card, you will only have to bear about 30 percent of the cost. Make sure you keep your receipt(s).


I have Overseas Traveler's Personal Accident Insurance that I took out before leaving my home country. If I go to a hospital, do I still have to pay 30% of the medical bill if I show them that insurance certificate?


Unfortunately, Japanese hospitals and clinics do not honor certificates of Overseas Traveler's Personal Accident Insurance. You will have to pay the 30 percent of the medical cost at the hospital. Later, you will need to claim a refund from the Overseas Traveler's Personal Accident Insurance company.


During vacation, I'm planning to leave Japan, perhaps to even go back to my home country. Are there any special procedures I should be aware of?


If you are leaving Japan and will return within one year of your departure date, you do not need to apply for a re-entry permit. If you fail to return to Japan within one year of your departure, you will lose your resident status, which will make it quite difficult to continue your studies. If you are planning on being away from Japan for more than one year, you must apply for a standard re-entry permit at the Osaka Immigration Office.

Note that if your period of stay is set to expire within one year of your departure, make sure that you return to Japan before the expiration of your period of stay. For more information, please visit the Immigration Bureau of Japan website.


How do I get a visa for a country I'd like to visit?


Please inquire at the embassy or a consulate of the country that you're planning to visit.


I am an exchange student. Can I work on a part-time basis?


If your supervisor or teacher will certify that working part-time does not interfere with your studies, you can work on a part-time basis. Depending on the content of your job, you may need to obtain permission for conducting extracurricular activities. If you engage in a part-time job without permission, you'll be liable for punishment. For more information, please click here.


Can I ask Osaka University to arrange accommodations for me?


Individuals hoping to enter one of Osaka University's dormitories should choose the item "I want to apply for accommodations" on the application form. Is this the case with international students other than exchange students, too?


Is it possible to arrange for accommodations other than a university dormitory?


Yes. When filling out the application form, choose the item "I am not applying for accommodations" on the application form. However, Osaka University is not able to assist program participants find housing such as apartments. You will be required to find an apartment for yourself. You can get advice on finding apartments from the Support Office.


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