The University of Osaka Global Alumni Fellow
「The University of Osaka Global Alumni Fellow」は、教育・研究の国際的なネットワークづくりの一環として、本学の卒業生・修了生や元教職員で、海外の大学・研究機関等で活躍される方々を対象に授与している称号です。
【The University of Osaka Global Alumni Fellow一覧】 (敬称略、職名・所属機関等は授与当時のもの)
No. | 氏名 | 職名 | 所属機関等 | 授与年月日 |
1 | Itthichai Arungsrisangchai | Associate Professor | Department of Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, | H27.2.7 |
2 | 大津 欣也 | Professor | Cardiovascular Division, School of Medicine, | H27.4.25 |
3 | 鈴木 憲 | Professor | Translational Cardiovascular Therapeutics, William Harvey Research Institute, | H27.4.25 |
4 | Group Leader | Cellular Senescence and Tumour Suppressors Laboratory, | H27.4.25 | |
5 | Professor | Adam Smith Business School, | H27.4.25 | |
6 | Group Leader | MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology(英国) | H27.6.23 | |
7 | 井上 正順 | Distinguished Professor | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, | H27.7.25 |
8 | 大内 徹 | Professor | Department of Cancer Genetics, Roswell Park Cancer Institute(米国) | H27.7.25 |
9 | Professor | Department of Surgery, College of Physicians & Surgeons, | H27.7.25 | |
10 | 河井 敬久 | Senior Member of the Staff and Chair | Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, | H27.7.25 |
11 | 小西 秀男 | Chair of the Department, Professor | Department of Economics, Boston College(米国) | H27.7.25 |
12 | 中 好文 | Professor | Department of Surgery, College of Physicians & Surgeons, | H27.7.25 |
13 | 日引 俊 | Professor and Associate Head | School of Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University(米国) | H27.7.25 |
14 | 山田 吉彦 | Senior Investigator, Chief | Molecular Biology Section, Laboratory of Cell and Developmental Biology, | H27.7.25 |
15 | Professor | Department of Physics, College of Sciences and Arts, | H27.7.25 | |
16 | 米谷 隆 | Professor | Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, | H27.7.25 |
17 | 中村 祐輔 | Professor | Department of Medicine, Section of Hematology/ | H27.10.9 |
18 | 李 奉振 | Dean | College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University(韓国) | H28.12.22 |
19 | 李 斌 | Professor | College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University(中国) | H29.1.17 |
20 | 羅 紅光 | Professor | Department of Social Anthropology, Institute of Sociology, | H29.1.30 |
21 | Plew Trivisavavet | Chairman of Executive Board (1, 2, 3 & 4) | CH Karnchang Public Co. Ltd. (1) | H29.2.18 |
22 | Worawet Suwanrada | Dean | Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University (タイ) | H29.2.18 |
23 | 張 荻 | Chair Professor | State Key Lab of Metal Matrix Composites, | H29.3.8 |
24 | 左 容昊 | Professor | Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, | H29.3.27 |
25 | 鄭 相哲 | Professor | Department of Japanese Interpretation and Translation, | H29.3.31 |
26 | Professor | Institute of Physics II, University of Cologne(ドイツ) | H29.5.10 | |
27 | President | Radio and Electronics Association of Vietnam(ベトナム) | H29.5.17 | |
28 | 宋 春山 | (1)Director | (1)EMS Energy Institute | H29.6.1 |
29 | 張 德祺 | Professor | Department of Mathematics, | H29.6.1 |
30 | 賈 士儒 | Professor | Tianjin University of Science and Technology(中国) | H29.6.1 |
31 | 馬 暁華 | Professor | Department of Material Science, Fudan University (中国) | H29.6.1 |
32 | 童 真 | Professor | School of Materials Science and Engineering, | H29.6.1 |
33 | 李 適宇 | Professor | School of Environmental Science and Engineering, | H29.6.1 |
34 | 饒 平凡 | Professor | Zhejiang Gongshang University(中国) | H29.6.1 |
35 | 張 展鴻 | Associate Dean | Department of Anthropology, | H29.6.30 |
36 | 鐘 建江 | Professor | School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, | H29.9.15 |
37 | 祁 陽 | Deputy Dean | School of Materials Science and Engineering, | H29.10.19 |
38 | ランプキン 朋子 | 会議通訳者 | (米国) | R1.5.3 |
39 | 水野 俊夫 | Professor | University of Malaya(マレーシア) | R1.6.11 |
40 | Vincent Ricardo Daria | Fellow | John Curtin School of Medical Research, | R1.7.8 |
41 | Savitree Limtong | Professor Emeritus | Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University(タイ) | R1.7.12 |
42 | Professor Emeritus | Faculty of Science, Mahidol University(タイ) | R1.7.13 | |
43 | Suwabun Chirachanchai | Dean | The Petroleum and Petrochemical College, | R1.7.13 |
44 | 杜 鳳剛 | Professor | School of Foreign Language, Dalian University of Technology(中国) | R1.8.1 |
45 | 張 万斌 | Professor | School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, | R1.8.6 |
46 | 方 正奎 | Principal Investigator | Division of Protein Research Team, | R1.10.21 |
47 | 鄭 浩燮 | Professor | Center for Food and Bioconvergence, | R1.11.13 |
48 | Anas Miftah Fauzi | Dean of Graduate School | IPB University(インドネシア) | R1.11.29 |
49 | 金 容儀 | Professor | Japanese Language & Literature, Chonnam National University(韓国) | R2.5.1 |
50 | 李 俊 | Professor | Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, | R2.5.1 |
51 | Konstantin B. Konstantinov | Executive Vice President, Manufacturing and Process Sciences | Codiak BioSciences(米国) | R2.7.1 |
52 | Tabassum Kashmiri | Visiting Professor | Department of Urdu, | R2.7.1 |
53 | 李 铸国 | Professor | School of Materials Science and Engineering, | R2.11.1 |
54 | 李 守宰 | Professor | College of Pharmacy, | R4.7.28 |
55 | Jung Keun Ahn | Professor | Department of Physics, | R4.8.2 |
56 | 出丸 香 | Professor | Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, | R4.11.10 |
57 | Hyun-Chul Kim | Professor | Department of Physics, Inha University(韓国) | R4.12.15 |
58 | 高島 義裕 TAKASHIMA Yoshihiro | 統括医務官 | WHO西太平洋地域事務局疾病対策局 予防接種・疾病排除部門(フィリピン) | R4.12.22 |
59 | 孫 成志 Sun Chengzhi | Professor | School of Foreign Languages, Dalian University of Technology(中国) | R5.2.6 |
60 | 張 新房 Zhang Xinfang | Professor | School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing (中国) | R5.2.8 |
61 | 杜 軍 Du Jun | Professor | Advanced Institute of Information Technology, Peking University(中国) | R5.2.8 |
62 | Paul Schaffer | Associate Laboratory Director | TRIUMF(Canada's particle accelerator centre)(カナダ) | R5.2.15 |
63 | 田 榮浩 Jeon, Young Ho | Professor | College of Pharmacy, Korea University(韓国) | R5.3.2 |
64 | 李 长久 | Professor | School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University(中国) | R5.3.20 |
65 | Irfan Dwidya Prijambada | Professor | Graduate School in Biotechnology, Universitas Gadjah Mada(インドネシア) | R6.1.19 |
- 2024年1月19日(金)「Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow」授与式
- 2023年3月20日(月)「Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow」授与式
- 2023年3月2日(木)「Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow」オンライン授与式
- 2023年2月6日(月)、2月8日(水)、2月15日(水)「Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow」オンライン授与式
- 2022年12月15日(木)、12月22日(木)「Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow」授与式
- 2022年11月10日(木)「Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow」授与式
- 2022年7月28日(木)、8月2日(火)「Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow」授与式
- 2019年5月3日(金) 「Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow」の称号を授与
- 2017年5月17日(水) 「Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow」の称号を授与
- 2017年2月23日(木) 大阪大学北京同学新年会(北京)
- 2017年2月18日(土) 大阪大学ASEANセンター開所10周年記念の会、タイ同窓会(バンコク)
- 2015年7月25日(土) 大阪大学北米同窓会(ニューヨーク)
- 2015年4月25日(土) 大阪大学欧州同窓会(ロンドン)
- 2015年2月7日(土) 大阪大学タイ同窓会(バンコク) 2022年12月15日(木)、12月22日(木)「Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow」授与式