Osaka University International Certificate Program (OUICP)

Osaka University International Certificate Program (OUICP) is an interactive, hybrid educational program consisting of both online and study abroad courses that makes effective use of Osaka University (OU) ASEAN Campuses. Carried out over the course of 9~10 months, OUICP (Outbound) sends Osaka University students to study at one of OU ASEAN Campuses, while OUICP (Inbound) invites students from OU ASEAN Campuses for a short-term study abroad experience at Osaka University. Osaka University issues a certificate upon successful completion of the program on a specific field with 6 to 8 credits.

[OUICP Program Information]

Program name

Program Affiliation

Halal Science, Technology and Innovation

Center for Global Initiatives

Advanced Industrial Biotechnology

International Center for Biotechnology

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology as Manufacturing Core

R3 Institute for Newly-Emerging Science Design

*Frontier Engineering Science: An introduction through STEM-Centered Learning

Graduate School of Engineering Science

Introduction to Computational Materials Design

Graduate School of Engineering

*Frontiers in Medical Physics and Medical Imaging

Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine

*These programs are not available for OUICP (Outbound) in AY2024.

OUICP (Outbound)


Osaka University graduate students (must be enrolled until the end of September of the year following the start of the program)


  • Recruiting for AY2024 has begun.


These programs are part of Integration of Knowledge with Society found in Osaka University's Double-Wing Academic Architecture.

OUICP (Inbound)


  1. Graduate students of universities/partnering institutes in OU ASEAN Campus Project (must be enrolled at the university/institute until the end of August of the year following the start of the program)
  2. Working individuals from a country with an OU ASEAN Campus who have received at least a bachelor’s degree


  • Applications guidelines for AY2024 can be found here.


International Student Affairs Division, Department of International Affairs, Osaka University
OUICP (Outbound): intl-outbound[at]
OUICP (Inbound): intl-inbound[at]
(Please replace [at] with @ when contacting each address.)

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