Minoh Campus

Construction of Research and Education Hub


The Research and Education Hub, one of the facilities within the campus, received LEED-NC (LEED for New Construction and Major Renovation) Gold certification in October 2021.

Completed in 2021 (10 stories, total area 24,896 m2)

Osaka University opened its global campus, the new Minoh Campus, in the Semba area of Minoh City on April 1, 2021. This new campus aims to become a hub for developing global human resources under the motto of the university, “Live Locally and Grow Globally.”

This building features its exterior structure that looks like people holding hands, a symbol that embodies the slogan for Osaka University’s 90th and Osaka University of Foreign Studies 100th anniversary: “Connect, Coalesce, Compassion."

The building has facilities for active exchange for developing global talent, such as a staircase-like lounge, which can also be used as a presentation space, and a space for students’ active collaborative learning.

To carry on the history and traditions of the former Osaka University of Foreign Studies (the predecessor of the School of Foreign Studies), the World Clock from the old Minoh Campus has been moved to near the entrance of the new building. Also, a stone monument on which proverbs are inscribed in 25 different languages is placed on the first floor of the building in the hope of raising global citizens for the next 100 years and beyond.

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