Student ID Card

The student identification card verifies a student's status in Osaka University and is used in using the automatic certificate issuing machine and entering university libraries. All students must carry their student ID wherever they go.

Important points

  • Your student ID card is valid for the period of your course enrollment.
  • Keep your student ID card clean and safe an do not lose it.
  • Do not lend or give your student ID card to anyone .
  • If you change your personal information such as name, please contact the educational affairs division of your school immediately .
  • If you withdraw from your school prior to your student ID card expiration date, please return your student ID card to the educational affairs division of your school immediately .
  • When taking regular exams, applying for issuance of certificates, or boarding a train using a student commuter pass or fare discount certificate, if requested, you must show your student ID card.

Frequently asked questions about student ID card

Q. If my student ID expires, what should I do?
A. If your student ID card expires because you failed a compulsory course and have to repeat it, please contact the educational affairs division of your school immediately .
Q. If my student ID card is lost or damaged,  what should I do?
A. If you lose your ID card, please notify the student center to complete the procedures for reissuance of your card. If your card is lost or stolen, you must notify the police as well, otherwise you may get into trouble; e.g., your student ID card may be miused, such as for taking out a student loan.
Q. If the automatic certificate issuing machine doesn't read the magnetic strip on my student ID card, what should I do?
A. Please notify the student center to have the personal information on your student ID card registered again.

For more information about issuing of Student ID card, contact:

  • Education Affairs Information Section, Education Planning Division, Department of Education and Student Affairs, 1st Basement,  Administration Bureau, Suita Campus, Tel: 06-6879-7105
  • Toyonaka Student Center, 2nd floor of Student Union, Toyonaka Campus, Tel: 06-6850-6119
  • Minoh Student Center, 2nd floor of Foreign Affairs Research Lecture Building A, Minoh Campus, Tel: 072-730-5081
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