OU to issue Sustainability Bond, the 1st National University Corporation Bond
Osaka University will issue its first National University Corporation bond on April 28. This is a sustainability bond*1 nicknamed “Osaka University Bond for Creating a Society where Each Member Leads a Meaningful and Fulfilling Life.” The terms and conditions of the bond are noted below.
This is the second issuance of university bonds at a national university corporation after The University of Tokyo and is the first issuance of sustainability bonds at a university in Japan.
The framework for this sustainability bond complies with the principles and guidelines of the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) as well as guidelines of the Ministry of the Environment and the Financial Services Agency, acquiring the highest rating “SU1(F)” from the Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCR).
Osaka University, in accordance with the OU Master Plan 2007*3, which was established in order to create a society in which people can find meaning and purpose in life*2 in January 2022, will use money raised through this bond issuance for consolidating:
- an environment for developing intelligent human resources
- a research environment that fosters free thinking,
- a management foundation centered on co-creation and
- an infrastructure that supports education, research, and management in a cross-sectoral manner.
In the face of a COVID-19 crisis, the tipping point for our society, transformation is accelerating towards sustainable society through achieving carbon neutrality and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Osaka University will proceed with the above-mentioned improvement, boldly take on local and global social challenges through co-creation with diverse stakeholders, and dedicate all its strength to our mission, Osaka University Bond for Creating a Society where Each Member Leads a Meaningful and Fulfilling Life.
Bond overview
Bond name | National University Corporation Osaka University Bond Issue No. 1 |
Maturity Period | 40 years |
Issue Amount | 30 billion JPY |
Interest rate of issue | 1.169% |
Issue date (payment date) | Thursday, April 28, 2022 |
Maturity date | Friday, March 17, 2062 |
Collateral | General mortgage |
Underwriters | Mizuho Securities, Co., Ltd. / Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. |
Fiscal Agent | MUFG Bank., Ltd. |
Acquired Rating | AA+ (Rating and Investment Information, Inc.) / AAA (Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.) |
A Message from the President (link in Japanese)
Information about OU Sustainability Bonds (Osaka University Bond for Creating a Society where Each Member Leads a Meaningful and Fulfilling Life (Information for investors)
*1 Sustainability bonds
Bonds where the proceeds will be exclusively applied to finance both green projects or social projects
*2 Osaka University Bond for Creating a Society where Each Member Leads a Meaningful and Fulfilling Life
A society in which people can stay active longer, support society by using diversity, and enjoy happy and fulfilling lives
*3 OU Master Plan 2027
The university’s comprehensive and flexible medium- to long-term plan that weaves education, research, and management, which is the core of the university, together with the improved campus-wide information infrastructure that supports the core, as well as the employment of diversity & inclusion strategies
Accounting Division, Department of Finance, Osaka University
Tel: 06-6879-7051, 7052
Email: zaimu-sikinkanrika(at)office.osaka-u.ac.jp
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