2021.3.26 Fri
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Regarding Osaka University’s Activity Levels from April 1, 2021

In this era of coexistence with COVID-19, Osaka University aims to return to normal operations in accordance with the policies of the national government and Osaka Prefecture and the current status of the spread of infection based on " Osaka University’s Standard Measures for Preventing Infections ."

In carrying out its activities, the university will comply with the " Osaka University Guidelines for Social Distancing in the COVID-19 Era " while providing proper arrangements for individuals with specific needs*.

*Pregnant women, those who are at high risk of becoming seriously ill, such as the elderly, those with an underlying condition (diabetes, heart failure, respiratory disease (COPD etc.)), those receiving dialysis, immunosuppressants, or anticancer drugs, or those who feel an overwhelming anxiety about COVID-19.

The university will continue to monitor the situation and modify its response levels accordingly.

Osaka University COVID-19 Response Levels (until March 31, 2021)

Osaka University COVID-19 Response Levels (from April 1, 2021)

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