President Toshio Hirano's message about Osaka University NewsLetter 2011-2013
2013.9.10 Tue
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President Toshio Hirano's message about Osaka University NewsLetter 2011-2013

September 2013

Osaka University hereby inform readers that NewsLetter 2011-2013 has been published. This is a special edition of the regularly published NewsLetter , retracing the steps in the last two years from August 2011 when I assumed the office of president.
As the message of "For Osaka University to continue to shine even into the 22nd century" on the front page of the newsletter shows, this issue covers approaches in education and research in order to make Osaka University shine more brightly as one of the world's top 10 research universities.

This issue also shows that, with its 175-year history starting from the establishment of Tekijuku, Osaka University has progressed and will go forward, looking forward to its 100th anniversary in 2031 and even to the 22nd century. I hope you will take the time to read this special edition to better understand today's Osaka University and its future image.

Toward the 100th anniversary of Osaka University's founding, your continued support for Osaka University Future Funds is greatly appreciated.

President of Osaka University

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