Global 30 Project
The Project for Establishing Core Universities for Internationalization --also referred to as " Global 30 " or " G30 "-- aims to create an environment that makes it easier for international students to study in Japan and receive a high quality education while doing so. A project of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science , Global 30 aims to do this by: (1) establishing a system to provide classes in English, (2) improving the system for accepting international students, (3) promoting international cooperation, and (4) nurturing superior personnel who can play an active role in the global arena in environments supportive of their growth in friendly competition.
Global 30 aims are threefold: to enable international students to start and complete their Japanese university education in English, recruit international faculty through internationally posted openings, and improve the system for accepting qualified students. Global 30 aims to eventually bring 300,000 international students to universities in Japan. Osaka University aims to be a major player in the G30 program!
In response to Global 30, Osaka University has established several credit courses and degree programs conducted in English, referred to as " International College ".
- At the undergraduate level : Chemistry-Biology Combined Major Program (jointly sponsored by the schools of Science, Engineering, and Engineering Sciences) and Human Sciences International Undergraduate Degree Program (sponsored by the School of Human Sciences)
- At the graduate level : Special Integrated Science Course and International Physics Course sponsored by Graduate School of Science. In addition to the existing English courses such as Biotechnology Global Human Resource Development Program , Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering , and Quantum Engineering Design Course , the new courses expand the range of the university's education program.
Osaka University aims to increase the number of its international students to 3,000 and the number of its short-tern international students (studying for a year or less) to approximately 1,000 by 2020, the target year for G30. (Note: These targets were set when the Project was established in 2009.)
- Download the brochure " Study in English at Osaka University "
- Related link : Global 30 joint web site
- This national project terminated in the 2013-14 academic year, but Osaka University will continue to make efforts to promote globalization.
- For Special English Entrance Examinations and Programs, click here .
- Following the class matriculating in October 2019, applications for the Chemistry-Biology Combined Major Program are no longer being accepted. The successor to the Chemistry-Biology Combined Major Program program can be found here . (Note: This is not a course in which students can receive a degree entirely in English.)
- In March 2021, the external evaluation committee conducted an evaluation of this project. For more information, click here . (link in Japanese)