Obtaining the Osaka University Guidebook

Obtaining the Osaka University Guidebook

How to obtain the Osaka University Guidebook for the 2025-2026 academic year

Osaka University Guidebook provides an overview of the undergraduate schools at Osaka University as well as introductions to education, research, and student life at the university to prospective high school students and their parents. Look below for more information on how to obtain a copy of the Osaka University Guidebook.

(To see how to obtain Undergraduate and Graduate School Brochures, click here.)

You can also view a digital copy of the Guidebook by clicking here.

1. Document request via Telemail

1. Application via personal computer

Click the banner below.


2. Application via smartphone

Use the QR code below.

Obtaining the Osaka University Guidebook

*Please follow the instructions at the website linked above.




Osaka University Guidebook


Late July (for 2025 version)

Application Guidelines + Osaka University Guidebook


Late July (for 2025 version)

*Order items should generally arrive in 3 - 5 days after ship date, but orders may take longer to arrive if this includes Sundays or holidays. Orders may take about a week to arrive due to the region and/or other circumstances regarding shipping of your order. Orders received by 4:00 PM will be shipped on the day the order is received, while orders received after 4:00 PM will be shipped the following day. Your request will serve as your reservation until orders have begun being shipped. All orders will be shipped at once when shipments have begun.

*An invoice for the shipping costs will be enclosed with your order. Please pay within 2 weeks after receiving the invoice.

Handling fees are as follows:

Convenience store payment, LINE Pay, au PAY


Credit card payment, payment through your cellular provider, PayPay


You can pay multiple material fees all at once.

Application Guidelines can be requested in addition to the Osaka University Guidebook.

Click here to request the Guidebook plus the Application Guidelines.

Note: The Telemail Customer Center deals with orders and shipment of documents related to steps 1 and 2 above. For additional information, contact the center.

Telemail Customer Center
IP phone: 050-8601-0102 (9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.)

2. Document request via "Mobaccho"

(1) Application via cell phone

Use the QR code below.

Obtaining the Osaka University Guidebook

(2) Making application by computer

Obtaining the Osaka University Guidebook

Delivery by Kuroneko DM-Bin:




Osaka University Guidebook


Late July (for 2025 version)

Osaka University Guidebook + Application Guidelines


Late July (for 2025 version)

How to pay shipping charges

1. Bill-paying service

*The shipping charge will be withdrawn with the phone charge. You can also pay by credit card. In this case, a handling charge of 50 yen is needed. *Depending on your phone type and price plan, you may not be able to use this service.

2. Paying at a convenience store

After receiving the guidelines, please pay the charge at a convenience store. In this case, a handling charge of 126 yen is needed.

Note: Daigaku Joho Center deals with orders and shipment of documents related to steps 1 and 2 above. For additional information, contact the Center.

Mobacho Customer Center, Daigaku Joho Center
Tel: 050-3540-5005 (9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. on weekdays)

3. Document request at a counter

Location: Admission Division and the Educational Affairs Section (or Student Affairs Section) of each undergraduate school. (9:00 am ~ 5:00 pm on weekdays)

4. Document request by postal mail (*Note: Due to revisions to postal fees, the following fees will be revised on October 1, 2024)

Applicants are requested to send the Admission Division (Admission Division, Department of Education and Student Affairs, 1-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871) an envelope with "Request for Osaka University Guidebook" written in red on the front and your postal code, address, and name on the back. Enclose a self-addressed 33.2 cm x 24.0 cm envelope with 250 yen's worth of postage stamps affixed as well as a piece of paper containing your contact information, such as your name, telephone number, and email address.

If you are living outside Japan, please enclose an international return coupon for air mail weighing 250 grams with your request. For more information about airmail services, visit the Japan Post Co. website.

*The newest Osaka University Guidebook is available in mid July, and the Application Guidelines in late July.


FEE (through 9/30/2024)

FEE (from 10/1/2024)

Osaka University Guidebook



Osaka University Guidebook + Application Guidelines



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