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Kakugawa, H.; Kamei, S.; Masuzawa, T.
(Graduate School of Information Science and Technology) A Token-Based Distributed Group Mutual Exclusion Algorithm with Quorums IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 19(9), 1153-1166 (2008) The group mutual exclusion problem is a generalization of mutual exclusion problem such that a set of processes in the same group can enter critical section simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a distributed algorithm for the group mutual exclusion problem in asynchronous message passing distributed systems. Our algorithm is based on tokens, and a process that obtains a token can enter critical section. For reducing message complexity, it uses coterie as a communication structure when a process sends a request messages. |
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Katayama, S.; Kawahito, Y.
Laser Direct Joining of Metal and Plastic Scripta Materialia, 59, 1247-1250 (2008) We have developed an innovative rapid laser direct joining process of metal and plastic plates without adhesives. These joints using Type 304 and PET sheets of 30 mm width and 2 mm thickness showed PET base plastic elongation in the tensile shear test and possessed high loads of about 3000 N. Such high strength was attributed to the chemical and physical bonding of melted plastic to the oxide film on the metal surface due to the bubble formation during joining. |
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Kawanishi, T.
; Fujiwara, T.
; Akai-Kasaya, M.
; Saito, A.
; Aono, M.; Takeya, J.
; Kuwahara, Y.
*1 (Graduate School of Engineering) *2 (Graduate School of Science) High-mobility Organic Single Crystal Transistors with Submicrometer Channels Applied Physics Letters, 93, 023303 (2008) We demonstrate high-performance electric-field effects in submicrometer-channel transistors with rubrene single crystals. Platinum source and drain electrodes are embedded in silicon dioxide gate to reduce thickness of the dielectrics. The miniaturized devices exhibit typical output characteristics with ohmic linear region, well-defined current saturation and on-off ratio of 10 6 . Mobility values are in the range of 0.1-0.3 cm 2 /Vs, which is comparable to those of the best submicrometer organic transistors. Anisotropy in the mobility is detected, indicating that band-like transport is responsible for the high transistor performance of the short-channel devices. |
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Kitagishi, H.
; Kakikura, Y.
; Yamaguchi, H.
; Oohora, K.
; Harada, A.
; Hayashi, T.
*1 (Graduate School of Engineering) *2 (Graduate School of Science) Self-Assembly of One- and Two-Dimensional Hemoprotein Systems by Polymerization through Heme–Heme Pocket Interactions Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 48, 1271-1274 (2009) |
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Koizumi, Y.; Allen, S. M.; Minamino, Y.
(Graduate School of Engineering) Effects of Solute and Vacancy Segregation on Migration of a/4<111> and a/2<100> Antiphase Boundaries in Fe 3 Al Acta Materialia, 57, 3039-3051 (2009) Control of nanostructure including antiphase domains is essential for developing ordered alloys as new structural- and functional-materials. This study revealed the effects of solute and vacancy segregations on migrating antiphase domain boundaries (APDBs) in Fe 3 Al by a phase-field simulation we developed. The results indicate (i) the mobility of a/4<111>-APDB can be increased up to 60 % by vacancy-segregation whereas that of a/2<100>-APDB is increased by only a few percent, (ii) the mobilities increase greatly when APDBs break away from segregating solute atoms. |
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Kojima, T.; Honda, T.; Ohkubo, K.; Shiro, M.; Kusukawa, T.; Fukuda, T.; Kobayashi, N.; Fukuzumi, S.
(Graduate School of Engineering) A Discrete Supramolecular Conglomerate Composed of Two Saddle-Distorted Zinc(II)-Phthalocyanine Complexes and a Doubly Protonated Porphyrin with Saddle Distortion Undergoing Efficient Photoinduced Electron Transfer Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 47, 6712-6716 (2008) |
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Komiyama, M.; Kawabe, R.; Takagi, T.
(Graduate School of Engineering) Extinction and Interruption of Diffusion Flame Interacting with a Large Scale Vortex Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32, 1099-1106 (2009) Simultaneous measurements of two-dimensional temperature and OH laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) profiles by combining Rayleigh scattering with LIF were demonstrated in a hydrogen diffusion flame interacting with a large scale vortex induced by acoustic excitation. The reaction zone of a closed dome type was formed due to a fuel jet and remaining air at the vortex front. Temperature and OH LIF at the reaction zone became significantly lowered at the circumferential part of the vortex and the flame extinction was induced. |
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Kurosaki, K.
; Matsumoto, H.
; Charoenphakdee, A.
; Yamanaka, S.
; Ishimaru, M.
; Hirotsu, Y.
*1 (Graduate School of Engineering) *2 (Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research) Unexpectedly Low Thermal Conductivity in Natural Nanostructured Bulk Ga 2 Te 3 Applied Physics Letters, 93, 012101 (2008) We introduce a promising thermoelectric material: Ga 2 Te 3 with unexpectedly low thermal conductivity, in which certain kinds of superlattice structures naturally form. Two-dimensional vacancy planes with approximately 3.5 nm intervals exist in Ga 2 Te 3 , scattering phonons efficiently and leading to a very low thermal conductivity, comparable to its calculated minimum. Ga 2 Te 3 and related materials hold great promise in the field of thermoelectrics. |
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Lei, S.; Surin, M.; Tahara, K.; Adisoejoso, J.; Lazzaroni, R.; Tobe, Y.; De Feyter, S.
(Graduate School of Engineering Science) Programmable Hierarchircal Three-Component 2D Assembly at a Liquid-Solid Interface: Recognition, Selection, and Transformation Nano Letters, 8(8), 2541-2546 (2008) |
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Maehashi, K.; Ohno, Y.; Inoue, K.; Matsumoto, K.; Niki, T.; Matsumura, H.
(Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research) Electrical Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Field-effect Transistors with SiN x Passivation Films Deposited by Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition Applied Physics Letters, 92, 183111 (2008) SiN x films were fabricated on carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNTFETs) by catalytic chemical vapor deposition (Cat-CVD) method at low temperatures. The electrical measurements revealed that p-type CNTFETs were converted to n-type CNTFETs after SiN x film fabricated at 270°C. Air-stable p-type top-gated CNTFETs with SiN x film formed at 65°C were successfully operated. Consequently, Cat-CVD is one of the suitable methods for fabricating SiN x films with high quality on CNTFETs, and fabrication of n- or p-type CNTFETs can be controlled by changing the deposition temperature of SiN x films. |

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