Remembrance event held for our former President MIYAHARA Hideo
2025.1.8 Wed
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Remembrance event held for our former President MIYAHARA Hideo

On December 20, 2024, a remembrance event for former Osaka University President MIYAHARA Hideo was held at Rihga Royal Hotel. Some 350 individuals were in attendance from universities and corporations to remember the many accomplishments of former President Miyahara.

The event began with opening remarks from Osaka University Executive Vice President ONOYE Takao and then memorial tributes were delivered by the following individuals:

  • FUJIWARA Akio (Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) (his tribute was read by Deputy Director-General OKUNO Shin)
  • TORII Shingo (Chair, Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI)/ Vice Chairman of the Board, Representative Director, Suntory Holdings Limited)
  • TOKUDA Hideyuki (President, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
  • KISHIMOTO Tadamitsu (Chair, Federation of Alumni Associations of the University of Osaka / Former President, Osaka University)
  • SUZUKI Naoshi (Professor Emeritus, Osaka University)

Following the closing remarks by President NISHIO Shojiro, attendees laid flowers.

Executive Vice President Onoye delivers opening remarks

Deputy Director-General Okuno

OCCI Chair Torii

NICT President Tokuda

Federation Chair Kishimoto

Professor Emeritus Suzuki

President Nishio delivers closing remarks

Attendees laying flowers

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