Virtual award ceremonies for the title of Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow held
Osaka University confers the title Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow on alumni who are active overseas as part of its strategy to build a global network. Award ceremonies were held in person but recently virtual ceremonies were held for 4 individuals who were not able to attend in person.
Professor Sun's Title Award Ceremony
The first online award ceremony was held on Monday, February 6 for Professor Sun Chengzhi of Dalian University of Technology in China.
After completing the masters and doctoral program at OU’s Graduate School of Language and Culture, Professor Sun promoted student and research exchange in the (then) Office for International Exchange as a specially appointed researcher. In particular, he planned systems for accepting students from China, serving as a bridge between OU and the Chinese government. He still helps with OU’s student exchange with Dalian University of Technology.
At the ceremony, Executive Vice President Kawahara presented the certificate and commemorative gifts, congratulated and appreciated what Prof. Sun’s had done, and then expressed his hope that Prof. Sun would continue to cooperate with OU.
Attendees at the ceremony included: Professor ISHIKAWA Mayumi of the Center of Global Initiatives (Professor Sun’s contact person), Regional Director KOMIZO Yuichi (East Asian Center for Academic Initiatives), and Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Li Ming (all from the Center of Global Initiatives).
Also in attendance were: OU Professor Emeritus MAJIMA Junko (who served as Professor Sun’s advisor during his time at OU), Director KATOU Hitoshi of the Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Professor FURUKAWA Yutaka of the Graduate School of Humanities, and Professor SHIMIZU Masaaki of the School of Foreign Studies.
Professor Sun
Top row from left: Executive Vice President Kawahara, Professor Ishikawa, Professor Emeritus Majima
Middle row from left: Director Katou, Professor Furukawa, Regional Director Komizo
Bottom row from left: Assistant Professor Li, Professor Sun, Professor Shimizu
Professor Zhang’s Title Award Ceremony
On Wednesday, February 8, the award ceremony was held, where Professor Zhang Xinfang of the University of Science and Technology Beijing received the title.
At OU, after conducting research at the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research as a JSPS postdoctoral fellow for research, Professor Zhang was engaged in research at the Joining and Welding Research Institute. (JSPS: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
Now, he works at the University of Science and Technology Beijing and is committed to build a robust network for student exchange by holding explanatory sessions for studying at OU.
At the ceremony, Executive Vice President Kawahara presented the certificate and commemorative gifts, expressing his hope that Professor Zhang would serve as a bridge between China and OU and cooperate in the activities of OU’s Beijing Alumni Association.
The ceremony was attended by: Professor Zhang’s contact person Regional Director KOMIZO Yuichi (East Asian Center for Academic Initiatives), Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Li Ming, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Xixi Zhang (all from the Center for Global Initiatives), and Professor Ninshu Ma and Assistant Professor Yuyang Hou of the Joining and Welding Research Institute.
Executive Vice President Kawahara (right) confers the title to Professor Zhang online
Top row from left: Regional Director Komizo, Assistant Professor Li, Assistant Professor Zhang
Middle row from left: Executive Vice President Kawahara, Professor Zhang, Professor Ma
Bottom: Professor Hou
Professor Du’s Title Award Ceremony
Also on February 8, a ceremony was held to confer the title to Professor Du Jun of Peking University.
Professor Du, who completed master’s and doctoral programs at OU’s Graduate School of Engineering, was instrumental in establishing OU’s Beijing Alumni Association and currently serves as its chairman, aiding in exchange between alumni.
At the ceremony, after explaining the significance of the title awarding and thanking Professor Du for his help with the Beijing Alumni Association, Executive Vice President Kawahara expressed his hope that Professor Du would continue to help with OU’s interpersonal and academic exchange with China.
Director Komizo (Professor Du’s contact person), Assistant Professor Li, and Assistant Professor Zhang, congratulated Professor Du and asked for his assistance in resuming Beijing Alumni Association activity. Professor Du also expressed his expectations for Beijing Alumni Association activity.
Professor Du
Top row from left: Assistant Professor Li, Regional Director Komizo, Executive Vice President Kawahara
Bottom row from left: Assistant Professor Zhang, Professor Du
Associate Director Schaffer’s Title Award Ceremony
On Wednesday, February 15, the title was conferred to Associate Laboratory Director Paul Schaffer of TRIUMF, Canada’s particle accelerator center.
Dr. Schaffer worked for the improvement of a branch laboratory of OU’s Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), which is established in TRIUMF. Currently, as a specially appointed professor at RCNP, he works together with OU in various aspects in education and research by advising students and coordinating for incoming international students.
At the ceremony, after explaining the significance of the title awarding and commemorative gifts, Executive Vice President Kawahara expressed his hope that Dr. Schaffer would develop a partnership with research institutes in Canada, including TRIUMF, specifically in exchange among students and early-career researchers.
RCNP Director NAKANO Takashi (Dr. Schaffer’s contact person) attended the ceremony, talking with Dr. Schaffer about the importance of exchange among students and early-career researchers and collaboration in a number of fields. Dr. Schaffer also expressed his expectations for further collaboration in the future.
Associate Laboratory Director Paul Schaffer
Top row from left: Director Nakano, Dr. Schaffer
Bottom row: Executive Vice President Kawahara
*For a full list of Osaka University Global Alumni Fellows, click here.