2023.1.23 Mon
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3 OU students Awarded the 13th JSPS Ikushi Prize

The 13th Ikushi Prize were announced by JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) on Thursday, January 19. The 3 OU students listed below are being recognized for their extraordinary achievements.

JSPS Ikushi Prize was established in 2010-11 with the purpose of fostering motivation to learn and research in early-career researchers through recognition of their efforts. This prize is given in recognition of outstanding students in PhD programs who are expected to contribute to the development of Japan's academic research in the future.

This time, 18 individuals in all fields of humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences were selected to receive this award.

The award ceremony for the Ikushi Prize will take place at the Japan Academy (Tokyo) in early March.

As a part of its endeavors to strengthen its support for early-career researchers, Osaka University supports doctoral students aiming to receive the Ikushi Prize.



Research Title

TOMOFUJI Yoshihiko

Graduate School of Medicine

Development of novel metagenome shotgun sequencing technology and elucidation of the relationship among gut flora and disease, diet, and ethnicity


Graduate School of Letters

Interpretation of human body in traditional Chinese medicine based on the understanding of recently excavated Chinese medical literature


Graduate School of Medicine

Comprehensive understanding of autoimmune diseases and development of drugs for treating them -- focusing on studies on regulatory T cells

第13回(令和4(2022)年度)日本学術振興会 育志賞に本学から3名受賞
TOMOFUJI Yoshihiko

第13回(令和4(2022)年度)日本学術振興会 育志賞に本学から3名受賞

第13回(令和4(2022)年度)日本学術振興会 育志賞に本学から3名受賞

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