2022.1.12 Wed
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President Nishio offers New Year’s Greeting

On Tuesday, January 11, President NISHIO Shojiro offered his New Year’s Greeting to Osaka University faculty and staff, speaking about goals for the university based on the OU Master Plan 2027, a medium- to long-term plan starting from April of 2022, and the university reform to achieve these goals.

President Nishio also mentioned that he had held talk sessions with faculty/staff members and students since last year, emphasizing the importance of “dialogue” with OU community members as well as members of the public.

He called on OU members to have dialogue by saying that creating an environment for members of an organization or team to freely make proposals and have discussions will develop individual members, eventually leading to the growth of the organization or team as a whole.


This year’s New Year’s Greeting was held online due to the rapid spread of COVID-19.

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