2021.2.27 Sat
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Question paper error in the 2021 February Entrance Examination

Osaka University

As noted below, there was an error in the entrance examination conducted on February 25, 2021.

The university sincerely apologizes for any trouble caused by this error and will strive to prevent this type of error from reoccurring in the future.


(1) Examination subject containing the error

Science (Chemistry)

(2) Test date

Thursday, February 25, 2021

(3) Location of the error

〔4〕【II】問5【オ】 (Page 26 of the Science test booklet)

(4) Details of the error

The correct answer to the question was noted in the question text for the Biology test in the Science test booklet.

(5) How the error was found

The error was discovered during a re-inspection of examination papers on the day of the entrance examination.

(6) To ensure no examinees would be disadvantaged by this error,

All examinees will receive points for this question.

(7) To prevent exam paper errors,

The university will take measures such as increasing the number of discussions about the contents of science tests among test writers in different subjects.


Admission Division, Department of Education and Student Affairs

Tel: 06-6879-7079


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