Talk with the President #4 held
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Talk with the President #4 held

A Talk with the President, an opportunity to discuss key issues with students, was held in the President's Office on Monday, September 27, 2021.

These talks, hosted by the Student Life Committee, were held twice during the 2019-20 academic year but were not held last academic year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since the third session in this series held on August 30, these talks have been held in small groups with measures in place to prevent COVID-19 infections.

Six master's and doctoral students in the fields of medicine, pharmaceutical science, and life sciences delivered presentations on the topics noted below, having lively discussions with President Nishio on the subject of “The Future of Osaka University.”

  • Constructing a Sustainable Research System
  • Miscellaneous Thoughts on Going to Graduate School after Spending a Few Years Working
  • Building an “OU Platform” for Disseminating and Implementing Evidence-based Information for Realizing a Society in which People can Lead a Healthy and Positive Lives
  • What OU Should Do to Realize a Society in which Women Play Active Roles
  • Developing Doctoral Talent for Realizing Society 5.0*
  • The Potential Role of the University for the Future

* "A human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems by a system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space." Cabinet Office, Government of Japan

Nine talk sessions are scheduled for this academic year: one or two sessions will be held each month by student category: undergraduate and graduate (master’s/doctoral)

Division in Charge: Campus Life and Career Support Division, Department of Education and Students Affairs

Talk with the President #4 held

Talk with the President #4 held

Talk with the President #4 held

Talk with the President #4 held

Talk with the President #4 held

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