2020.7.22 Wed
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Regarding an error in a question and its scoring in the mathematics test of the 2017 entrance examination for transfer to the School of Engineering Science

Recently, an error was found in a question and its scoring in the mathematics test for the 2017 entrance examination for transfer to the School of Engineering Science. The school has since rescored all of the tests, and one erroneously rejected applicant was later admitted.

This error occurred in a university entrance examination, which are meant to be fair and accurate. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused for related individuals, including the examinees, their families, and current students. We will respond to the newly admitted applicant in good faith.

The university takes this incident very seriously, and we will strive to raise the awareness of faculty and staff members in order to prevent this type of incident from reoccurring in the future.

We have apologized to the newly admitted applicant in person, and have chosen not to disclose the applicant’s personal information in accordance with the applicant’s wishes. We humbly request your understanding and consideration .

Detailed information regarding the erroneous question and its scoring

Comment from President NISHIO Shojiro


School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
TEL: 06-6850-6137

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