Some 170 Members of the OU Family Attend the Osaka Alumni Reunion in Okayama
On Saturday, August 20, 2016, the Osaka University Alumni Reunion in Okayama was held at the Okayama Convention Center in Okayama city for the first time, with some 170 members of the OU family, including alumni and university-related individuals primarily residing in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions, in attendance.
In the ceremony and lecture portion of the event, Osaka University President NISHIO Shojiro gave a greeting and report on recent events at Osaka University, and afterwards, KUMAGAI Nobuaki (Director, Osaka University Federation of Alumni Associations; 12th President of Osaka University) also greeted attendees. Following this, Osaka University Executive Vice President YOSHIKAWA Hideki (Industry-University Collaboration and Hospital Management) gave a lecture on the life of OGATA Koan, the founder of Tekijuku, which is one of the origins of Osaka University, as well as an Okayama city native, to which attendees listened very intently.
The social gathering following these lectures was kicked off by a toast from MIZUUCHI Junichi, head of the Okayama branch of the Osaka University Engineering Society (School of Engineering Alumni Association), and attendees enjoyed meeting old friends and making new ones, while enjoying lively conversation that filled the venue.
We'd like to that all those who attended this event for the huge
In December, we'll be holding the Osaka University Alumni Reunion in Tokyo at
the Gakushi Kaikan (Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), and next May, Homecoming Day
will be held on Osaka University's Toyonaka Campus.
Details about these events will be provided on the official homepage of Osaka
University at a later date, so please stay tuned.