To students considering volunteer activity in the areas affected by the Kumamoto Earthquake
2016.4.26 Tue
  • Current Student

To students considering volunteer activity in the areas affected by the Kumamoto Earthquake

The commencement of recruiting of volunteers has been announced on the Kumamoto City homepage for the areas affected by the Kumamoto Earthquake. I'm sure there are some students who are considering using the extended holiday to volunteer their time to support the recovery efforts in those areas. However, there are a number of areas in the region which are still in the process of recovering their basic infrastructure for daily life, and since aftershocks still affect the region and there is a threat of a possible secondary disaster, please consider your actions very carefully.

If you should decide to participate in volunteer efforts in the affected area, please gather information about the area, make thorough preparations, and have a well-thought out plan before making your departure.

Also, please make sure that you submit a "Notification of Volunteer Activity" to Osaka University and take out insurance before engaging in volunteer activity

Submitting a notification to Osaka University

If you decide to perform volunteer activities in the affected area, please submit a "Notification of Volunteer Activity" before your departure.

Notification of Volunteer Activity

Please send this notification to:

Student Affairs staff at your school/graduate school


When performing volunteer activities, please take out insurance that also applies to natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

Reference: Volunteer Insurance (from the Osaka Social Welfare Council)

Other information

Before your departure, please gather information about the areas affected and support in those areas from Kansai, as well as confirming the etiquette involved in volunteer activity.

• Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet

About the Earthquakes in the Kumamoto Region

• Cabinet Office, Government of Japan

Disaster Prevention and Volunteering (Basic information on disaster prevention volunteering)

• Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

About the Earthquakes in the Kumamoto Region

• Japan National Council of Social Welfare

Support for affected areas/disaster volunteer information

• Kumamoto Prefecture

Volunteer recruitment for the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake


Student and Career Support Division, Department of Educational and Student Affairs (Suita Student Center)

TEL: 06-6879-7120

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