Top Global University Project International Symposium - "New Learning of Liberal Arts and Quality Assurance (Quality Liberal Learning)"
2016.3.4 Fri
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Top Global University Project International Symposium - "New Learning of Liberal Arts and Quality Assurance (Quality Liberal Learning)"

On Wednesday, January 27, Top Global University Project International Symposium - "New Learning of Liberal Arts and Quality Assurance (Quality Liberal Learning)" was held at Osaka University Icho Kaikan under the sponsorship of the Strategic Planning Office of the Institute for Academic Initiatives, with 150 individuals in attendance, including university-related individuals from both inside and outside of the university.

Prof. KOBAYASHI Tadashi (Executive Vice President of Education, Osaka University) spoke about the education at Osaka University and endeavors of the university's educational programs. He also raised issues such as revisiting professional education as a new concept for student-centered liberal learning, as well as how to assess it.

Following Prof. Kobayashi's presentation, Dr. Susan Albertine from the American Association of Colleges & Universities delivered a keynote speech, and three lecturers from Tohoku University, The University of Tokyo, and Hiroshima University reported case examples.

In the second half of the symposium, Prof. KAWASHIMA Tatsuo (Strategic Planning Office, Institute for Academic Initiatives, Osaka University) joined the panel discussion as a moderator, having a heated discussion with those speakers as well as with the audience.

To view the summary of this symposium, click here . (link in Japanese)

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