2011.1.19 Wed
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Inaugural Colloquium held for ERATO Murata Lipid Active Structure Project

Inauguration of the ERATO [Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology] Murata Lipid Active Structure Project at Osaka University's Graduate School of Science was begun with a colloquium involving the three parties involved: the research group, Osaka University, and JST (the Japan Science and Technology Agency). Opinions regarding how to proceed with the project were exchanged among the above three and positive results are anticipated.

For additional information, please go here .

What is ERATO?

The government initiated Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology (ERATO) in 1981 in order to further innovative research in science and technology, and, in particular, basic research in problem solving. I n 2002, in response to requirements of the new era, Science and Technology Basic Plans for the Second Term, and Strategies for Promoting Council for Science and Technology Policy, ERATO made a new start.

Please note that screening for ERATO projects is so severe that only 4 or 5 projects are selected each year by researchers in Japan and abroad.

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