2009.6.26 Fri
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Osaka University receives 8 commendations on collaborative efforts

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has announced its selection of 73 university research laboratories and research institutes for commendation in its Collaboration Report for 2009 *. Universities in the report are commended on two classifications: (1) the contribution to the advancement of scholarship in Japan of a particular shared facility, and (2) the quality and contribution of networked collaborative research through a facility and related facilities at networked member universities.

Regarding the above classifications for commendation, Osaka University received 6 commendations for the first type and 2 for the second, giving Osaka University a total of 8. It should be noted that in the latter category, one of the two commendations was for networked collaboration in which the facility at Osaka University served as the main hub for the collaborative research.

Results leading to commendation, such as the above, verify that both within and without Osaka University, Osaka University is recognized as a world-class level institution of research, promoting international-quality research.

NISHIO Shojiro

Trustee and Vice President

Director, Research Promotion and University-Industry Collaboration Board

*The MEXT collaboration reports were begun in July 2008.

For more information on the above-mentioned Collaboration Report for 2009 directly from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), go to:

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