
The 3rd Joint Research Workshop Held with the University of Melbourne

The 3rd joint research workshop, “Women’s and Children’s Health and Wellbeing Following Disaster,” was held with the University of Melbourne, one of Osaka University’s strategic partners, on 5-7 March 2024 at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, the University of Melbourne. The PI (Principal Investigator) for the University of Melbourne was Professor Lisa Gibbs and the PI for Osaka University was Professor Junko Otani.

The workshop was held with the support of the 2023 Osaka-Melbourne Joint Research Workshops Fund under the theme, “Community-based opportunities to amplify the capacities of women and children in disaster contexts: a strength-based approach.”

Six researchers from the University of Melbourne and five from the School and Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, presented their research on various disasters. In addition to presentations, site visits to MotHs (Mums of the Hills), established by women affected by the forest fires in the suburbs of Melbourne, and the Phoenix Australia Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health, which provides mental health support to disaster victims, were organized. A PhD Session was held to bring early career researchers from both universities together to exchange views on their careers and research collaboration.

Finally, this workshop not only led to the further development of international joint research but also provided a good opportunity for next-generation researchers, especially female researchers, to meet many role models.

Osaka University Visits University College London

On 6 March 2024, a delegation from Osaka University, led by the Executive Vice President for Global Engagement, Professor Manabu TANAKA, and Executive Vice President for International Affairs (Education), Professor Beverley Anne YAMAMOTO, visited University College London (UCL) to explore opportuni􀆟es for enhanced collaboration between the two institutions. The visit proved to be fruitful, with productive discussions held throughout the day.

The delegation met with Professor Geraint Rees, Vice-Provost (Research, Innovation & Global Engagement), to discuss potential areas of research collaboration and ways to strengthen the existing partnership between the two universities. Both parties expressed a mutual interest in deepening their collaboration in various scientific disciplines.

Later in the afternoon, the delegation held a separate meeting with Professor Tiziana Rosseto from the Faculty of Engineering Science. The primary objective of this session was to discuss strategies to enhance student exchanges between the two universities. Recognizing the immense value of international academic experiences, the parties aimed to create more opportunities for students to broaden their horizons and engage in cross-cultural learning.

It is hoped that the two universities will make significant strides in addressing global challenges and shaping the future of education and research.

IFReC and the Doherty Institute Jointly Hold a Second Immunology Symposium

The 2nd Doherty Institute & Partners-IFReC Immunology Symposium, the second joint symposium on immunology between Osaka University and its Global Knowledge Partner, the University of Melbourne, was held on 8 February 2024 at Taniguchi Memorial Auditorium on the Suita Campus of Osaka University.

The symposium was held with the support of the 2023 Osaka-Melbourne Joint Research Workshops Fund to build and strengthen collaborative relationships in immunology based on the strategic partnership agreement between the University of Melbourne and Osaka University.

Five researchers from Osaka University and six from the University of Melbourne, mainly principal investigators, presented their cutting-edge research on immunology. More than 80 people, including young researchers, attended the symposium and had lively discussions. It is expected that international joint research in immunology will be promoted between the two organizations and that next-generation researchers will be trained through international joint research.

Executive Vice President YAMAMOTO Beverley Anne visits the University of California, Davis

On Thursday, February 1, 2024, Executive Vice President YAMAMOTO Beverley Anne, North American Center for Academic Initiatives Regional Director Scott North (Center for Global Initiatives), and Specially Appointed Associate Professor Clement Angkawidjaja (Center for Global Initiatives) visited the University of California, Davis (UC Davis), one of Osaka University’s Global Knowledge Partners.

The group had a discussion with Professor Joana Regulska (UC Davis Vice Provost and Dean of Global Affairs) and other representatives from UC Davis, actively exchanging opinions on the expansion of research exchange and promotion of student exchange to further facilitate strategic collaboration between the two universities.

Commemorative photo taken following the meeting

Executive Vice President YAMAMOTO Beverley Anne visits the University of British Columbia

On Tuesday, January 30, 2024, Executive Vice President YAMAMOTO Beverley Anne, North American Center for Academic Initiatives Regional Director Scott North (Center for Global Initiatives), and Specially Appointed Associate Professor Clement Angkawidjaja (Center for Global Initiatives) visited the University of British Columbia (UBC), one of Osaka University’s Global Knowledge Partners.

The group had a discussion with Professor Gage Averill (UBC Provost and Vice-President, Academic) and other representatives from UBC, actively exchanging opinions on student exchange and promotion of joint research to further facilitate strategic collaboration between the two universities.

At the meeting

Joint Engineering Workshop Held with the University of Melbourne

A joint Engineering workshop, “Sustainable retrofitting solutions for circular economy excellence,” was held on 5 December 2023 at the Department of Infrastructure Engineering, the University of Melbourne (Melbourne). The workshop was held in a hybrid format.

The speakers were Professor Lu Aye, Professor Priyan Mendis, and Dr. Nilupa Herath from the Department of Infrastructure Engineering, Melbourne, as well as Assistant Professor Tomomi Suzuki and Mr. Yuya Tsuji from the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University (OU).

Discussions included possible ways of applying Japanese and Australian retrofit technology in both countries to improve building sustainability while also reducing the economic impact of building retrofits. The workshop attendees include academic researchers, students, as well as chief engineers from industries.

The workshop served as a great opportunity to establish new collaborations between Melbourne and OU in the field of engineering.

Internal discussion between Melbourne and OU members

Strategic Partnership Agreement Established with the University of Manchester

On December 4, 2023, Associate Vice-President Stephen Flint and 5 officials from University of Manchester (U.K.) made a courtesy call to President NISHIO Shojiro at Osaka University, signing a strategic partnership agreement with OU.

This strategic partnership agreement will further promote their exchange in research and education. The two universities will be consolidating their collaboration especially in the fields of environmental sustainability, advanced materials chemistry (including optical materials and nanomaterials), bioscience, bioengineering, and quantum materials technology.

The conclusion of this agreement will further develop exchange between researchers and students.

The signing ceremony

Commemorative photo following the ceremony

The 25th Academic Exchange Seminar between Osaka University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University held

The 25th Academic Exchange Seminar between Osaka University (OU) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) was held on Tuesday, November 7 and Wednesday, November 8, 2023. This academic exchange seminar with SJTU, one of Osaka University's Global Knowledge Partners, has been alternately held between the universities since 1995.

Although the seminar was held online during the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2022, this year, the seminar was once again held in-person for the first time in 4 years, with OU welcoming over 40 SJTU researchers and others to its campus.

This year’s seminar featured 7 fields, including welding, lasers, information, marine engineering, industrial biotechnology, combustion engineering, and smart cities. In the morning on November 7, participants gathered together to hold the opening ceremony, but in the afternoon and the morning of the following day, they broke into groups by field to hold workshops and toured various facilities. Over 120 individuals from OU and SJTU were in attendance, making for a lively seminar.

On November 7, the opening ceremony, facilitated by Professor KONDOH Katsuyoshi of OU’s Joining and Welding Research Institute, started with opening greetings from OU Executive Vice President TANAKA Manabu and SJTU Deputy Director of the University Council Wu Dan. They expressed the joy of the reunion of researchers, praising each other that they could hold the 25th seminar, and voicing their expectations that the bilateral relationship would further develop through this seminar.

Subsequently, the representatives of the 7 sectional meetings explained the progress of research collaboration in their fields. After reconfirming their intent to enhance collaboration, the opening ceremony ended.

Opening ceremony

SJTU Deputy Director of the University Council Wu Dan

Executive Vice President of Global Engagement TANAKA Manabu

At the meeting between SJTU Deputy Director of the University Council Wu Dan and President NISHIO Shojiro held prior to the opening ceremony, looking back on their over 45 year-long history of exchange to deepen collaboration, they affirmed that they would further develop their cooperation in research and education.

As can be seen from their plan to publish the results of their joint research to the world at Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, their collaboration will further develop.

Commemorative photo taken after the meeting

Bielefeld University Becomes Osaka University’s Strategic Partner

Bielefeld University in Germany has become a strategic partner of Osaka University to expand the collaborative relationship between the two universities.

Researchers of the universities have established close relations and conducted joint research for many years. More recently, particularly strong collaborations developed in the fields of robotics, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, chemistry, and biology.

Given the importance of such relationships between researchers, the universities have agreed to further deepen the existing areas of collaborative research and explore new areas as strategic partners.

It is highly anticipated that this partnership will promote joint research and lead to significant research outcomes.

Professor HAYASHI Ryuhei Delivers an Online Lecture for Monash University Students

On 1 September 2023, Professor HAYASHI Ryuhei from the Graduate School of Medicine delivered an online lecture for 70 master’s students from Monash University, a strategic partner of Osaka University. With the title “Pluripotent Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine for the Eye,” the lecture highlighted the latest research developments in his lab. Regenerative medicine, an emerging field at the intersection of biology, medicine, and engineering, holds immense promise for the future of healthcare and it has been one of the main pillars of collaboration between Monash University and Osaka University.

The lecture was moderated by Associate Professor Mikaël Martino, a lead researcher at the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) of Monash University who has been working tirelessly to strengthen the relationship between the two universities. “We are delighted Professor HAYASHI shared his recent work with us,” he said. “The students found the lecture very interesting and inspirational. I also believe it was delivered very nicely and effectively.”

It is expected that this activity will further strengthen the partnership between the two universities.

UCL President & Provost Dr. Michael Spence AC Delivers Special Lecture at OU

On October 3, 2023, President & Provost Dr. Michael Spence AC of University College London (UCL), one of Osaka University’s Global Knowledge Partners (GKPs), visited OU to deliver a special lecture entitled “UCL's disruptive thinking -- How UCL fosters it among students and early-career researchers."

Over 200 students, faculty, and staff from Osaka University, including President Nishio, were in attendance for this fully packed lecture, making for quite the lively venue.

In his speech about disruptive thinking, which is UCL’s philosophy and ambition, Dr. Spence delivered a powerful message to young people responsible for the next generation, expressing his hope that they will tackle complex problems and create innovation. During the following Q&A session, early career researchers and students at OU were able to ask Dr. Spence questions to deepen their understanding of his lecture.

During a meeting prior to the lecture, Dr. Spence and his entourage from UCL talked with executive members and researchers from OU, including President NISHIO Shojiro, Executive Vice President KANEDA Yasufumi, Executive Vice President TANAKA Toshihiro, Executive Vice President TANAKA Manabu, and Executive Vice President YAMAMOTO Beverley Anne.

They confirmed achievements in joint research by researchers from both universities, exchanging opinions about deepening their collaboration and expanding into new collaborative areas. This meeting will further exchange between the two schools toward resolving global issues through collaboration in cutting-edge research.

President Nishio delivers an opening speech

Dr. Spence delivers his special lecture

Executive Vice President Yamamoto summarizes Dr. Spence's lecture

Audience in the lecture hall

Group photo taken after the meeting

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Deputy Vice-Chancellor from the University of Melbourne Visits Osaka University

Professor Michael Wesley, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global, Culture and Engagement) of the University of Melbourne (Melbourne) visited Osaka University (OU) on 27 June 2023. Melbourne officially became a Global Knowledge Partner of OU with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a strategic partnership in June 2022.

From left to right: Prof. Umakoshi (Graduate School of Engineering Science), Regional Director Fujita (ASEAN Center for Academic Initiatives), Prof. Kondo (Center for International Education and Exchange), Executive Vice President Yamamoto, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Wesley, Ms. Cheng, Assoc. Prof. Angkawidjaja (Center for Global Initiatives)

First, overviews of Melbourne’s and OU’s global strategies were provided, including an explanation of current initiatives from both sides. Through the presentations, Professor Yamamoto, Executive Vice President of International Affairs (Education), and Professor Wesley deepened their understanding of each other and acknowledged the existing collaborations such as a matching fund to hold joint workshops and a student program, the University of Melbourne Overseas Subjects (UMOS) that enables Melbourne students to study at OU.

They also discussed future collaboration and highlighted the importance of providing more opportunities for students to take courses abroad, including short-term mobility programs to foster their international outlook. In addition to mobility programs, Professor Wesley was intrigued by the online Virtual Study Abroad Program, proposed by OU as a potential educational collaboration. Online programs could be another link between Melbourne and OU in the future.

Through this meeting, both universities discovered new ways for deeper synergy and affirmed to cultivate and strengthen the partnership further.

Executive Vice President Yamamoto presenting to Melbourne members

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Wesley presenting to OU members

Strategic Partnership Agreement Established with the Delft University of Technology

Osaka University (OU) established a strategic partnership with Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands on 7 June 2023.

OU has cultivated a collaborative relationship with TU Delft, especially in the field of quantum information science and technology. Both universities reached an agreement to deepen their relationship in this area and further explore other areas.

It is expected that the strategic partnership will promote joint research and active student exchange.

President and Delegation of the University of Strasbourg Visit Osaka University

From left to right: Prof. KUBO (Graduate School of Science), Prof. NOMACHI (Director of European Center for Academic Initiatives), Executive Vice President TANAKA, Executive Vice President YAMAMOTO, President NISHIO, President Deneken, Director Forté, and Chairman NAKATANI

On 28 April 2023, representatives from the University of Strasbourg, including President Michel Deneken, visited Osaka University to have discussions with President NISHIO Shojiro. The two universities have been in a partnership since 2006 and this visit was the University of Strasbourg’s first in-person visit with Osaka University after the establishment of a strategic partnership in 2022.

During the meeting, President Nishio reflected on his visit to the University of Strasbourg in 2019 and the 15th-anniversary symposium of the academic exchange agreement that followed, expressing gratitude for the collaboration thus far. He also expressed his desire to expand cooperation beyond the field of science, in which there has already been academic exchange.

Discussion at IFReC

Prior to the meeting between the presidents, Professor Rémi Barillon (Vice-President), Dr. Michèle Forté (Director of the France-Japan University House), and Professor NAKATANI Yoichi (Chairman of Japan Committee) visited the Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC) on 24 April. Professor TAKEDA Kiyoshi (Director) and Professor TAKAGI Akihiko (Administrative Director) of IFReC welcomed them and had a productive discussion on their future collaboration.

The delegation of the University of Strasbourg and members of Osaka University

Vice-President Barillon also met with Professor TANAKA Manabu (Executive Vice President of Global Engagement), Professor YAMAMOTO Beverley Anne (Executive Vice President of International Affairs (Education)), Professor HAYASHI Takashi (Graduate School of Engineering), and Associate Professor OBAYASHI Saori (Center for Global Initiatives) after visiting IFReC. The meeting included presentations by Vice-President Barillon and Executive Vice President Tanaka, followed by discussions between all members.

It is anticipated that the meetings held over the course of the two days will lead to the further development of academic exchange between the universities.

Vice-President Barillon giving an overview of the University of Strasbourg

Executive Vice President TANAKA presenting to members of both universities

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