Full-time Staff Openings

Employment of clerical and technical staff are performed through Osaka University employment examinations and Semi-privatized University Employment Examination in the Kansai region.

(Osaka University recruiting webpage)

recruiting instagram (Osaka University official recruiting Instagram page)

A) Employment of staff through Osaka University employment examinations [NEW!]

In order to further promote the employment of personnel with diverse personality and ability, Osaka University holds its own staff employment examinations.

  1. Osaka University Employment Examination (Administrative Staff) (Positions posted as necessary)
  2. Osaka University Employment Examination (Hospital Staff) (Positions posted as necessary)
  3. Osaka University Employment Examination (Facilities/Technical Staff) (Positions posted as necessary)
  4. Osaka University Employment Examination (Communications Technology Staff) (Positions posted as necessary)

B) Employment of staff through Semi-privatized University Employment Examination in the Kansai region

In order to be employed as Osaka University staff (office work/technology), applicants must pass the standardized Semi-privatized University Employment Examination in the Kansai region (written examinations) and secondary examinations, including interviews conducted by Osaka University.

Recruitment details of Osaka University for AY2025 through Semi-privatized University Employment Examination in the Kansai region will be published in July 2025.


You may not apply to both A-1 (Osaka University Employment Examination (Administrative Staff)) and A-2 (Osaka University Employment Examination (Hospital Staff)) below.

However, you may apply to one of the examinations listed in A and the examination in B (Semi-privatized University Employment Examination in the Kansai region).

Explanatory sessions for employment [NEW!]

These sessions serve to explain the type of work done by staff members at Osaka University. Your decision not to take part in one of these sessions will not affect whether you get hired or not.

Date and TiME


Job Category

How to Participate



Friday, November 15, 2024

Herbis Osaka

Clerical Staff (University)

Registration required through Re就活

OU is scheduled to run a booth at Re就活の転職博.


Sunday, December 1, 2024

Kyoto Sangyo Kaikan Hall

Clerical Staff (University)

Registration required through あさがくナビ

OU is scheduled to run a booth at 就職博 インターンシップ&キャリア編.


Saturday, December 7, 2024

Grand Front Osaka

Clerical Staff (University)

Registration required through あさがくナビ

OU is scheduled to run a booth at 就職博 インターンシップ&キャリア編.


Friday, January 10, 2025


Clerical Staff (University)

Registration required through Re就活

OU is scheduled to give lectures at 転職博 (名古屋) (15:30~16:00).


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Grand Front Osaka

Clerical Staff (University)

Registration required through Re就活

OU is scheduled to run a booth at 大転職博 (大阪).


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Kyoto Sangyo Kaikan Hall

Clerical Staff (University)

Registration required through Re就活

OU is scheduled to run a booth at 転職博(京都)