Rules and regulations for transportation and biking

Transportation to and from campus

Osaka University encourages its students to walk or use public transportation to get to and from its campus. Basically, students are not permitted to commute to OU campuses by car, motorcycle, or motor scooters. Individuals who have to commute by one of the above due to physical disabilities and/or other reasons are required to obtain a permit from the university. Commuting by vehicle without permission and/or parking on roads near the university are violations and unbecoming of OU students.

Students are strongly requested to always obey all traffic regulations and behave in a responsible and mature manner. Students commuting by bicycle are expected to obey the following rules.

Concerning Bicycles

Be considerate of pedestrians and local people. Under the Road Traffic Law, bicycles are defined as a vehicle. Bicyclists must follow rules and malicious violators and individuals who caused fatal accidents in violation of these rules will be strictly punished. Keep in mind that bicycles can be dangerous to pedestrians.

The following are rules for safe bicycling on and around the OU campus. Cyclists should be aware that they are driving a vehicle so as to not cause annoyance to members of the general public living near OU as well as persons on campus.

Bicycle Regulations

General Regulations

  1. Get bicycle insurance.
  2. Maintain safe and reasonable speeds at all times.
  3. Drive on the left side of the road.
  4. The following activities are nuisances as well as dangerous. Please do not: park on the road, abandon your bicycle for an extended period, ride your bicycle in parallel to others, and/or use a cell phone while riding.
  5. Even when it is permitted to ride your bicycle on a sidewalk, make sure to give right of way to pedestrians.
  6. Wear a helmet when riding your bicycle.
  7. Prevent theft of your bicycle by double-locking it

On-Campus Regulations

  1. Riding bicycles on Handai-zaka [Osaka University Slope] is banned.
  2. As with motorized vehicles, bicyclists are requested to use official gates only for entering and leaving OU campuses.
  3. Riding on campus sidewalks is banned.
  4. As a general principal, riding bicycles to get around on campus is prohibited.
  5. Be careful not to cause annoyance to members of the general public living near OU.

Bicycle parking

Bicycle parking lots have been set up on the three campuses. Use these parking lots in accordance with the rules. Park your bicycles as instructed by parking attendants. If a parking attendant is not available, park your bicycle in an orderly manner so that the parking lot capacity can be realized when necessary.

The new Minoh campus and its surrounding area

Bicycle parking is not available on the new Minoh Campus. Please commute to the school on foot and/or via public transportation.

For those of you who commute by bicycle, please make use of the city-run Minoh Semba Daiichi Bicycle Parking (paid parking) under the pedestrian deck.

It is illegal to park anywhere around or near the campus. Cyclists must bike safely and follow traffic rules so as not to cause a nuisance to local residents.

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