Graduate Minor Programs & Graduate Programs for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies

In April 2011, Osaka University set up two types of programs that could provide motivated students with an opportunity to master the basics in a wide range of fields while focusing on an advanced specialty. These programs were in addition to the established curricula of graduate schools.
Students earn a certain number of credits for each successfully completed program and also receive a certificate of completion.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, there will be 23 Graduate Minor Programs and 47 Graduate Programs for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies. In addition, some of the Graduate Programs for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies will be aimed at 5th and 6th year students of a 6-year undergraduate program. (Schools of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences).

Program Title


Graduate Minor Program Pamphlet -- 2024-2025

• Summary of organization, common ways to register

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