What to do if you are in a car accident

If you are involved in an automobile accident during a commute to school or at any time, do the following for your own interest:

Identify the individual who caused the accident

Write down the name, address, and telephone number of the driver, driver's license number, and the license plate of the car concerned, as well as the name of the car's owner.
You also need to confirm the driver's automobile liability insurance including the name of his/her insurance company, the number of the certificate, and the policy's effective date.

See a doctor even if you may think your injuries aren't very serious

See a doctor immediately. Although you may feel fine now or think your injuries aren't very serious, symptoms such as pain can appear days after the accident. If you paid a hospital bill, make sure to save the receipt(s) as proof of your payment.

Contact the educational affairs division of your school

You are required to inform the educational affairs division of your school of the accident.

Report to the police to get an accident certificate

File a police report to get the certificate even if the accident seems to be minor. It will serve as evidence when you are claiming compensation for damage.

Be careful when settling a case out of court

It's risky to settle a case out of court by stamping a private settlement form without perusing it and receipts. When settling a case out of court, take cautious steps. You may suffer from aftereffects. You should consult legal experts and your insurance company before settling out of court.

Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (PAS) & Liability Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (LSR)

If you have PAS or LSR insurance, make sure to make a claim.

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