2025 Entrance Examination (for admission in April 2025)

2025 Application Guidelines [posted July 16, 2024]

*The 2025 Application Guidelines (includes Special Entrance Examinations) can be found in the PDF file posted above or by clicking here. (file in Japanese)

*Application Materials containing detailed information on the February Entrance Examination, including application methods, schedules, and application forms, will be posted to this webpage in late November 2024.

*The Faculty of Medicine plans to apply to the MEXT to increase the quota for the Department of Medicine. Thus, the quota listed in the Application Guidelines for the February Entrance Examination is subject to change.

Information regarding this change will be posted to this webpage once it is finalized.

*Methods on how to obtain other materials, such as the Osaka University Handbook and brochures for undergraduate/graduate schools, can be found here.

Regarding a change in selection methods for the 2025 February Entrance Examinations [May 26, 2023]

Applicants whose 2025 February Entrance Examination scores are not sufficient to get into the following schools may be rejected even if there is a shortage of applicants:

  • School of Letters
  • School of Human Sciences
  • School of Foreign Studies
  • School of Law
  • School of Economics
  • School of Science
  • School of Medicine (including the Division of Health Sciences)
  • School of Engineering Science

Regarding a change in the number of students to be admitted to the School of Foreign Studies in April 2025 [April 3, 2023]

For details, click here. (file in Japanese)

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