Who to contact regarding Misuse of Competitive Research Funds

Compliance Hotline Service

Audit Office, Osaka University (1st floor, Administration Bureau)
Address : 1-1 Yamadaoka, Suita 565-0871
Tel : 06-6879-4071
Fax : 06-6879-4074
Email : kansatsuuhou*ml.office.osaka-u.ac.jp

*If you send information of misuse by postal mail, please write "Reporting" on the front of the envelope.
*When using the above email address, please replace the asterisk [*] with the @ mark.

To report research misconduct, click here.

How to report misuse

  1. You can notify us by email, phone, fax, postal mail, or in person.
  2. In order to understand information from an informer correctly and respond it quickly, please use one of the following forms when informing us in writing.

  3. Who to contact : Audit Office, Osaka University, 2nd floor of Administration Bureau
  4. Hours : 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., 1:00 - 5:15 p.m. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and other holidays, including December 29 - January 3.


Please be sure to do the following when informing us

  1. Write down your name, the name of your department/facility, and contact information in the report form.
  2. Describe details of misuse of research funds or suspicious misuse of research funds at the university.
  3. You can inform by phone or in person but furnish significant evidence in that case.
  4. A person in charge may contact you in order to confirm the information.
  5. Please note that the information will be forwarded to the division responsible so that the operation can be improved if the information is considered not as misuse, but as a general opinion or complaint.
  6. The confidentiality of the information will be protected under the Act concerning Protection of Personal Information possessed by independent administrative institutions.
  7. After the acceptance of the information submitted, your name, the name of your department/facility, and contact information will be kept confidential throughout the course of the investigation.
  8. Your name and other information will not be publicized without your permission.
  9. Your whistle-blowing will not result in your being treated unfairly.
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