
Protective Immunity against Streptococcus pyogenes Challenge in Mice after Immunization with Fibronectin-binding Protein

Localization of fibronectin-binding protein, FbaA, on S. pyogenes surfaces. FbaA was visualized as red images and S. pyogenes organisms were stained as green images. The localization of FbaA led us speculates that FbaA functions as an adhesin/invasin and could be a potential vaccine candidate for M1 strains of S. pyogenes infection.

Investigation of Fn-binding and immunogenic domains in FbaA. (A) Schematic diagram of recombinant GST-FbaA fusion proteins. (B) The proteins were electrophoresed in a 10% SDS-PAGE gel and stained with Coomassie brilliant blue R-250. (C) Biacore analysis of binding affinity between immobilized Fn and GST-truncated FbaA fusion proteins. (D) Survival plots of BALB/c mice challenged with various serotypes of S. pyogenes .
Mice were subcutaneously immunized with GST-truncated FbaA fusion proteins and then challenged with a lethal dose of S. pyogenes .
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