2019.3.9 Sat
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Congratulations on Your Acceptance to Osaka University!

On Saturday, March 9 at 9:00 am, Osaka University announced the successful applicants of the February Individual Achievement Examinations, Entrance Examination for Applicants Graduating from Overseas High Schools (former expatriates), and Special Entrance Examination for Privately-funded International Students (Undergraduates).

• February Individual Achievement Examinations (3,105 students accepted of 7,210 examinees)

• Entrance Examination for Applicants Graduating from Overseas High Schools (former expatriates) (8 students accepted of 24 examinees)

• Special Entrance Examination for Privately-funded International Students (Undergraduates) (47 students accepted of 150 examinees)

Congratulations to all of the successful applicants. Osaka University will offer its full support in making the new life awaiting all of you this spring truly brilliant.


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