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Osaka University NewsLetter #74 published (Winter 2016)

Osaka University's quarterly newsletter, Osaka University NewsLetter #74 , has been published. It contains information about advanced research, student activities, and other news regarding Osaka University. Osaka University NewsLetter can be found at various locations around Osaka University's campuses, including the Nakanoshima Center, as well as the Osaka Monorail's Handai-byoin-mae and Senri-Chuo stations, so faculty, staff, students, and alumni are encouraged to take a look.

For more detailed information about where you pick up a copy of Osaka University NewsLetter , click here .

This publication is only available in Japanese.

NewsLetter #74

The cover of this issue features the Osaka University Sumo Club, who train on a mat on concrete instead of a traditional sumo ring. The captain of the club, NAKAYAMA Kotaro, overcame these odds to win the West Japan Tournament in his weight class. An in-depth look at the club's efforts can be found in the interview with Mr. Nakayama. Other contents of this issue include an interview with YOSHIMORI Tamotsu, a leading expert in the field of autophagy along with Nobel Laureate OSUMI Yoshinori (Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Institute of Technology), information on diverse education and research, as well as information on other activities by OU students. This issue is full of content, so please take a look!

Current Issue/Back Issues

The latest issue and back numbers can all be found here .

Please have a look.

NewsLetter Distribution

Osaka University NewsLetter can be found at the following locations.

For those inside the University

• Libraries at Osaka University

• 1F, Nakanoshima Center

• Osaka University Coop

• 1F, Osaka University Administration Bureau

• 2F, Icho Kaikan

For those outside the University

• 1F, Nakanoshima Center

• Tekijuku

• Handai-byoin-mae Station (Osaka Monorail)

• Senri-Chuo Station ticket gates (Osaka Monorail)

• Machikaneyama Shugakukan, Osaka University Museum

• Inforest Suita (within EXPOCITY)

For those in the Tokyo area

• Osaka University Tokyo Office

• Gakushikaikan

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