To all who graduated from Osaka University today
2016.3.28 Mon
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To all who graduated from Osaka University today

Congratulations on your graduation.
The 2015-2016 Osaka University Graduation Ceremony was held at Osaka-jo Hall today, with some 6,000 OU students taking flight as graduates of Osaka University.

Take all of the memories of t he things you learned, your efforts in your extracurricular activities and sports, and the friends you made at OU, and use them to make a brand new start for yourself.

Whether you're beginning your career or continuing your education, everyone's path is different, but we want each one of you to carry on towards your dreams.

Osaka University is cheering on all those who took the first steps towards 卒業式wani those dreams today.

Good luck!

Osaka University

Commencement address by President Shojiro NISHIO (English translation)


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Commemorative Lecture by KUSAKABE Yo (Alumnus; Writer/Physician)


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