2010.3.29 Mon
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Many thanks to everyone who who contributed to the success of Osaka University's 80th anniversary commemorative events

2011 marked the 80th anniversary of the founding of Osaka University. In honor of this milestone, under the theme of " Reflecting on the origin... Looking to the future... ," Osaka University held important commemorative events throughout its 80th year.

In the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, out of deference to the many victims of the disaster, Osaka University canceled, postponed, or modified portions of commemorative events. However, eventually we implemented some 50 commemorative events.

In addition to 80th anniversary commemorative projects, we implemented joint projects with other organizations and various events sponsored by schools. Osaka University has now finished all scheduled events.

In connection with this anniversary, we greatly appreciate all donations made to these anniversary projects. All commemorative projects went smoothly. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your support for enhancing the mood of celebration and your continued generous patronage.

Osaka University will make every effort to continue to adapt and lead. We look forward to your continued and warm support!

March 29, 2012

80th Anniversary Commemoration Committee

Osaka University

80th Anniversary Commemoration of the Founding

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