2011.4.11 Mon
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Celebrating Osaka University's 80th Anniversary, a "wrapped" bus sporting a student-created design begins operation

With the start of the new semester, a campus shuttle bus, decorated with a student-created design, began operation on April 11, 2011. Based on a design by the Art Club at Osaka University, the final design is the product of discussions among students, faculty, and staff while reflecting the 80th anniversary theme "Reflecting on the origin... , Looking to the future..."

This newly "wrapped" bus brings the total of wrapped shuttle buses to three. However, this newly wrapped bus will only run for four months, through August 8, 2011. (After that point, it will continue to run, but its appearance will revert to the standard design for Hankyu buses.)

According to the Art Club, "We designed the bus under the theme of "Reflecting on the origin... Looking to the future..." Also, the well-known Machikane alligator and ginkgo leaf, the symbol of Osaka University, were used as motifs. The design differs somewhat from the other two buses. We hope you will enjoy seeing the new bus although it only runs for a rather short time."

Click on this link for information on the shuttle bus schedule



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