[Applications accepted at the door!] Osaka University Alumni Reunion in Kagawa!

[Applications accepted at the door!] Osaka University Alumni Reunion in Kagawa!

Intended for
  • Current Student
  • Parent / Guardian
  • Faculty / Staff
  • Alumni
2019.7.27 Sat 15:00 - 0:00


The "Osaka University Alumni Reunion" will be held on Saturday, August 27 in Kagawa. Alumni Reunions are events for alumni and staff from Osaka University and Osaka University of Foreign Studies to come together and deepen friendships as an "OU Family." We're excited to see many attendees from the Shikoku and Chugoku regions, but all members of the OU Family are more than welcome to attend!

Alumni Lecture – YAMANISHI Kouichi (Chairman, BIKEN Group ; Physician/Doctor of Medicine)

After graduating from the Osaka University Faculty of Medicine with a major in virology in 1967, Dr. Yamanishi acquired his medical license. He obtained his doctorate degree in medicine from the Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University in 1972.

After studying at Pennsylvania State University (US) in 1976, he became a professor at the Research Institute for Microbial Diseases of Osaka University in 1991 after serving as an assistant and assistant professor at the same institute. In 2001, he became the dean of the Faculty and Graduate School of Medicine at Osaka University, the director of the National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition in 2005, and later, its honorary director. He started his current position as chairman of BIKEN Group in June 2013 and also holds the title of Osaka University Professor Emeritus.

What is BIKEN?

Founded as a pioneer for university ventures in 1934, the BIKEN Group is a specialty bio-pharmaceutical organization specializing in research, development, production, and supply of vaccines.

BIKEN Group Homepage



Date and Time

Saturday, July 27, 2019 - 15:00~18:00 (doors open at 14:30)


Hiten, 3F, JR Hotel Clement Takamatsu (1 minute walk from JR Takamatsu Station)

*Information regarding access can be found here .


•15:00~16:10 -- Ceremony and Lecture

• Greeting and updates on Osaka University -- President Shojiro NISHIO

• Greeting -- Tadamitsu KISHIMOTO, President, Osaka University Federation of Alumni Associations

YAMANISHI Kouichi (Chairman, BIKEN Group ; Physician/1972 graduate, Graduate School of Medicine)

•16:20~18:00 -- Social Gathering


General public - 4,000 yen

University students - 1,000 yen

High school students and younger - Free

[MC] YOSHIMOTO Tsukasa (freelance announcer)

A 2005 graduate of the Division of Applied Science, School of Engineering, Osaka University, Ms. Yoshimoto was in charge of sales and planning at Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.

Currently she pushes forward with her work to make people happy by creating a pleasant atmosphere at wedding parties, corporate parties, and local events as MC while cherishing each encounter with those she meets.


*Osaka University Alumni Reunion in Fukui (August 2018)

Intended for

Osaka University-related persons including graduates from Osaka University and Osaka University of Foreign Studies, current students, former and current OU faculty and staff

Registration is necessary for this event. Individuals attending may bring family and friends to the event.

*We ask that individuals with special needs please consult with staff prior to the event.

Request for updating contact information

In order to inform alumni about events and announcements as well as receive valuable feedback for improving education at the university, we ask for your cooperation in updating your contact information.

Form for updating contact information

Regarding temporary childcare services

Childcare services (free of charge, intended for ages 3 months~6th grade elementary school) will be available at the event, so feel free to attend the alumni reunion with your families!

(When requesting childcare services, please fill out the appropriate section on the application form. If capacity for childcare services reaches capacity before the application deadline for the event, applications for childcare services may no longer be accepted.)


Alumni Section, Public Affairs Division, Department of Co-Creation Promotion, Osaka University

Tel: 06-6879-7196

Email: alumni-info[at]

(Please replace [at] with @ when contacting this address.)

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