

Do Osaka University students use libraries?

Student use of libraries is extensive, with many repeat visitors using them as places for studying.

Average number of library visits per year per student

UNIT : Visits

  • Average number of library visits per year per student

You’ll hear people suggest that college and university students these days don’t read, and that with electronic journals there’s no need for libraries, but nothing could be further from the truth. Students’ use of libraries has become increasingly extensive in recent years. The number of library visits by students has been growing consistently over the last several years, and the statistics illustrate how the same students are making use of library resources over and over again. In short, the number of students who use the library as a favorite place to study is increasing.

Total number of Students’ (undergraduate and graduate) library visits


UNIT : Students

  • Total number of library visits

Total number of library visits in 2013
