

Difference between perceived current level of ability and ability at time of enrollment

While Osaka University students indicate that their ability level has risen in most areas, they feel that they have improved little in terms of their foreign language proficiency. ※Unchanged:0.0、Improved:1.2
  • Osaka University
  • Overseas research universities

① Ability to be clear and effective when writing
② Ability to speak clearly and effectively
③ Ability to read and comprehend academic material
④ Ability to prepare and make a presentation
⑤ Ability to appreciate cultural and global diversity
⑥ Foreign language skills

*SERU 2013 was administered from November to December 2013 to students belonging to the School of Science, Graduate School of Science, School of Economics, Graduate School of Economics, Program for Leading Graduate Schools, and International College. The above graphs present data for undergraduate students only.

**As calculated by subtracting respondents’ answers for “Your ability level when you started studying at this university” from their answers for “Your current ability level.”